From Guangzhou to Milan, we can offer numerous logistics solutions, which not every freight forwarder China can accomplish

publish:2024-07-11 14:59:47   views :316
publish:2024-07-11 14:59:47  

Let me share a brief story about one of our air freight orders.

A clothing client in Guangzhou had an export order destined for Milan, Italy, a fashion-forward city renowned for its apparel trends. The client emphasized the time-sensitivity of this shipment as the garments were seasonal, hence requiring a direct flight to Milan whenever possible. Any delay would not be acceptable. For a freight forwarder China with 25 years of experience, this was no problem.

Our sales representative collated the order's time requirements, cargo type, and destination and sent it over. Since our freight forwarding services are door-to-door, we not only focus on the airfreight timeline but also the subsequent local courier delivery efficiency post-arrival. Every aspect of the process is within our consideration; any oversight could lead to delays.

With the cargo in Guangzhou, we had access to numerous logistics airlines. Initially, we sought direct flights from Guangzhou, including major carriers like China Southern Airlines and Air China. We even considered Sichuan-based airlines, involving a domestic transfer from Guangzhou to Sichuan before flying to Milan. Cities like Xiamen and Haikou were also options, given Haikou's recent international route openings and its status as a duty-free zone, which could attract future cargo transshipments. Shanghai, Zhengzhou, Changsha, and more were all evaluated. For a professional freight forwarder China, these considerations are essential. We also explored international transit points such as Rome, Frankfurt, and Amsterdam.

As a seasoned freight forwarder China, we can present a diverse range of options. Our extensive solutions are partially attributed to our memberships in numerous logistics associations, including:

WCA: World Cargo Transportation Alliance, a global freight forwarding network.

CIFA: China International Freight Forwarders Association.

ISEA: International Shipping Enterprise Alliance, a union of international shipping enterprises.

JC: JC Trans International Logistics, a leading Chinese international freight forwarder.

WIFFA: World International Freight Forwarders Association.

Shenzhen Air Cargo Association, where Sunny Worldwide Freight Forwarder China, as a vice-chairman unit, has made profound contributions to the aviation logistics sector.

These associations provide reliable agency services and help us filter out high-quality freight forwarders for international transshipments, crucial for any freight forwarder China.

Our extensive association memberships significantly enhance client trust. While clients may not be familiar with Sunny Worldwide Freight Forwarder China, they might recognize CIFA, which holds authority among foreign clients. Our CIFA "3A" certification is a significant milestone, demonstrating our eligibility among top-tier freight forwarders China.

This reassures clients to entrust their shipments to us, enjoying a comprehensive service from a professional freight forwarder China.

As a 25-year-old freight forwarder China, we prioritize clients' needs above their own expectations, ensuring a 99% punctuality rate barring unforeseen circumstances. For international shipping requirements, please contact us at We are confident in delivering satisfaction.

Shenzhen Sunny Worldwide Logistics Co., Ltd.
Phone : +86-139-2347-9243
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